Sunday, October 9, 2016

AT and George Drance
(or the the Gift of the jk)

The work we did with George this past week was very informing. As an actor who allows the head to do all the work in performance I was finally beginning to feel what it would be if the impulse actually came up through my spine/entire body. That being said, it’s horrifying and scary because it requires completely letting go and a giving over to the energy in the space. What I found most fascinating was the idea that I can use the energy around me to fuel me- I don’t need to manufacture it to make something happen. Allowing gravity to lead me to momentum, living in the moments of suspension, and then trusting to let it go when it has passed left me with a sense of ease and freedom I so rarely feel in my work. And again it is something I don’t have to muscle but rather just recognize its availability for my use at all times. I felt this the most when we were in the text circle. The idea of receiving text from someone and allowing it to move me to speak is literally what the basis of acting is, and yet it is very, very difficult for me. I couldn’t really give myself over (which was frustrating) but I saw it happening in other people and felt the transfer of energy from one person to the next.

What I notice most about my body after constructive rest is that I am open. I feel as though my skin is a few inches from my muscles, my muscles are a few inches from my bones, and my bones are a few inches from each other. I’ve recognized that this feeling of primary control makes me really uncomfortable and puts me in a bad mood- I’m guessing because it is a state of pure vulnerability and openness. But how lovely it will be when I can live on stage in that state and actually allow the Magis work to happen; for the waves to enter and affect me. With my body available to receiving I think I will actually be able to fall into gravity, trust the momentum, and live in the suspension.  Sherrington said “every thought manifests as bodily reality”. Without the opening up of my body in AT I can’t say I ever allowed that to actually happen for me on stage. Exploring this in scene classes has literally blown my mind and thrown me off balance. I drop lines, I forget what I’m doing…but I’m learning to trust that it is becoming more organic and real, as opposed to manufactured and put on. Connecting all we are learning in AT, as well as voice, to our scene classes has begun to feel like I’m going through a second puberty. It’s so hard but it is helpful to constantly have this body awareness on my mind since it IS the work we do on stage. The question of “what am I doing to cause the problem?” has become vague, but I wonder if “the more I learn the less I know” idea is coming into play. The more I focus on inhibiting falling back onto my spine when I feel something uncomfortable, i.e. real, the more I feel grounded in AT, but the less I'm in control and therefore the less I FEEL I know. 


  1. Wow yes Clare I think you are on to something with this feeling of actually feeling like you know less, but in fact you are in that place of big discovery, change and new options. I love your description of space in the body after doing Constructive Rest. My old teacher used to say "the space inside you is not so different than the space outside." There is a lot of space there and can really start to open up instead of hanging or feeling heavy. The text circle is the perfect metaphor and game for performance and as we get more used to playing with it your body and mind will give over more easily.

  2. What a great post Clare! I can relate to your main points about AT. By the way, it was an honor having George Drance in class two weeks ago and how he guided us to explore the methods of gravity, momentum, suspension, and inhibition with our bodies. I agree with you about being an actor who permits the head to do all the work in performance. As a thinker, I am constantly in my head during scenes and not checking in with the rest of my body to be present in scenes. When I do the AT exercise, it aids me to use my entire body to store text, being aware of my inhibitions, and navigating through gravity to lead me into momentum. At times, I am lost in suspension which leads me to feel a bit lightheaded from the moment. This is all a part of the constant struggle I face, with my head competing to be superior than my body. My head always wants be in charge instead of my entire body. Upon realizing this, I continue to incorporate AT into my daily regimen to awakened my body and fuel my body awareness.

    As I started utilizing the red and blue waves in my regimen, my body is more freer and looser. I don't have as much tension and pressure like I used to in the past. I permit myself to check in with my body. The only setback I experience with the waves are forgetting my text sometimes or fretting that I'm not doing the waves perfectly, which causes me to default to my "thinker" mode. Yet, with practice, I know I can overcome these minor setbacks.

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  4. After reading you ladies entries, I just realized that this headspace that seems to always interfere with being totally committed, is also the the space where we inform ourselves to just "do it". I know it's obvious and cliche to say, but this comment you wrote down Clare saying "the more I learn the less I know," I wondered that as well last week! But then I asked myself whether it was "the more I learn, the less I have to do and just be." I've also been trying to fight my mind a lot and get my body to just move and when George created those images for us to marinate on during the exercise, my mind was blown because when I used the images, I can become less focused on doing it right and actually let my body live in that energy that was flowing through the room. It's funny because whenever I hear and think of the word MAGIS, I imagine this anime that I watched called Magi or just the idea of magic itself and how all it deals the flow of energy. Our thoughts are just as much energy as our bodies. Whether pull, push, reach, gravity, or suspension, it is the energy we are trying to get in tune with. I clicked! We are using this energy to help make us aware of our habits and help inhibit them. I realized the mind that I have been fighting so much was then the mind I was using to image and connect that to the energy which ultimately will then drive the line into or out of the person I am with in the scene. So instead of turning it off, what if I re-direct it to concentrate on this image and let my body ride on that wave flowing from the image. WOW!!!! Hey maybe this could be completely wrong and spouting nonsense. Lol. But after that class session and the personal session with Margi, I felt like I had the most shift in my thinking. I really hope the carries on into more of the body work. I'm sure there are many moments where I have it focuses on my body but my mind is just trying to share in the MAGIcal goodness. Okay enough with my hippie jibberish. Night lovelies!- Love Tamera <3

  5. Thanks so much for sharing this awesome info! I am looking forward to see more postsby you!
